
Experienced criminal solicitors in Birmingham

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We're available 24-hours a day

Are you in need of a specialist criminal law solicitor? One that is reliable, highly experienced in the field, and can attend any police station in Birmingham, Coventry, Solihull, Wolverhampton, or throughout England or Wales? Then you're in the right place.

At S & H Law Practice, our specialist criminal solicitors can attend police stations, offering representation, advice, and assistance, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you're being charged with a road traffic offence, or you're facing other serious criminal charges, our team will do everything in their power - using any available resources - to protect your rights.

We also offer legal advice and representation in less urgent fields of law, such as in family law, and taxi licensing matters. We are proud to be the go-law firm in Birmingham - trusted to provide an excellent service to our clients, for over 10 years.

S & H Law Practice,

Shakespeare Building,

2233 Coventry Road,


B26 3NJ

9 Little Park Street,




Victory House,

400 Pavilion Drive,

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